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End of week 2

This week has been so long. I have enjoyed painting a lot, but it has become quite frustrating at times. This week I have reached 55 hours! After counting up all of my hours and realizing I had made it to 55 I was so happy. I have been working so so hard on this painting and I can really start to see it paying off and having worked for 55 hours seems crazy. I have really started to add detail to each of the bubbles and can really start to see it coming together. I have finished a lot of the bubbles and finally being done with parts of his painting feels like a weight being lifted off my chest. I have finished the mountain orb, the ocean or the dorm life orb, the Costa Rica orb, the Slocomb Windows orb, the orientation orb, the Mike orb, and the library orb. I am having trouble with the ski hill and holding this weekend orbs. The ski hill is very hard because I need it to look like it is coming at you, and I struggle with that. There is so much white because of the trees and the snow on the trails that distinguishing between snow on the top of the mountain and snow towards the bottom of the hill is very difficult. Since Molly Works in the ceramics part of the studio, she's in there a lot. She gave me pointers on how to make the ski hill look more like it should. I have gotten so much done this week and I am so proud of it so far. I have been getting frustrated at how to make things look exactly the way that I want them to, but I also keep reminding myself that it always comes together. During the process, each of the bubbles started out in a way that I really didn't like but each of them has become something that I really like. I'm really proud of all of the work that I've done and I can't wait to see it hanging somewhere at Proctor hopefully. I have enjoyed being able to be in the studio with one of my really close friends throughout this whole project and we have been listening to music and painting together every day. We have been giving each other critiques on our paintings and learning from each other's painting Styles which I think is very important. I have really liked creating this art piece.


  1. Your efforts to express the process are wonderful--such a journey both through the art/painting and the reflecting...I could not be prouder of you.


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